We did our 퍼블릭 알바 research to help you really maximize your post-university pay packet, with this list of top-paying jobs. There are a few high paying jobs in the UK that women can earn quite well too. There are industries where things are more level, with pay differences of less than 10% — and jobs where women can make more money than men.
Even if women do the majority of jobs in those careers, they make less than men in all but six jobs on this list. More importantly, as women begin to take over more positions in the field, average wages in those jobs generally follow a declining trend.
Hopefully, women are going to become more evenly employed and make up 50% of high-paying jobs in Britain, not so far away. If more young women are given good career advice, and companies are more flexible with working hours, in future we could see the gender pay gap disappear.
Perhaps part of the solution for women could be pursuing higher-paying jobs earlier in womens careers. If employers were to reconsider their strategies and institute work-shares, or flex-time hours at the office with some working at home, many women out there would quickly return to the workforce, earning enough to fund a family and retirement. Either way, there are still some amazing jobs out there, and women are making huge gains at landing them.
More amazing jobs for women are going to show up on lists like this, because women are poised to make major gains in the workplace in the foreseeable future–and that means opportunities are going to be out there waiting to be taken. The best-paying jobs for women offer better earnings potential than most, as well as offering stronger employment prospects and higher/growing shares of women working in that field — a triple-whammy of advantages women exploring a career path should take into consideration.
A good way to get started on your path to higher-earning careers is by exploring the top-earning careers for women, as identified by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. When looking at the best jobs for women in the UK, there are a lot of things that need to be considered including how many women are working in that sector, the likely salaries offered, your chances of being hired for such a role, and whether or not the role is suitable with regards to the physical demands. When all these factors are taken into consideration, there are some jobs which are considered the best fields for female employees.
The jobs are classified according to what percentage of total workers are women, with the tie broken based on how many women are employed in the job. Most are desk jobs, with law, social, and cultural professionals, as well as associate professionals and sales workers, hovering at about the 50% male-female split. Hospitality and crafts jobs also display a similar split, with women making up 51% of jobs in food processing, carpentry, clothing, and other crafts and related occupations, and 54% of managers in the hotel, retail, and other services industries. The sectors with the largest number of jobs at risk of being dislocated from women are retail and wholesale trade, health care, and administration and public administration, accounting for 44 percent of the potential jobs to be dislocated.
Based on the current share of employment held by women, health care may represent 27 percent of womens potential job demands. Looking at potential job growth, women are overrepresented in health care.
In fact, health care is a dominant profession largely filled by women. When you consider that almost 75% of health care practitioners and managers are women, and there is expected job growth of 20%, you can understand why this is an area of great potential.
Sales is still exceptionally competitive (and, unlike many other jobs, it is far easier to determine who is a better salesperson), but the demand for degrees is declining. Teaching jobs are among the highest-paying careers for women, and they provide some of the best opportunities to advance into a managerial role. Teaching vs. managerial roles Although the management roles of the private sector provide some of the best paying jobs for women, there is less pay inequality in teaching, more women teachers than men, and more men in management positions of the private sector.
Many of the principals are women, and large numbers of the mid-level and lower-level managerial roles in schools are also held by women. Women who reach top jobs in schools, such as departmental leader or principal, may be paid as much as PS100,000 or more. In fact, professional careers like teaching are the place women make their best salaries in Britain.
Competition for postgraduate jobs is intense, but candidates who have the right qualifications, skills, and experience have a great chance of being hired. Previous work experience is also an advantage, whether gained from an internship, holiday work or placement.
The best-paying jobs are in business and corporate law, but, as one would expect, they are also some of the most competitive. There are plenty of summer, seasonal, and temp jobs available across the UK, with the bulk of them being found in tourism, hospitality, and retail. Summer jobs include working in summer camps or holidays, at outdoor adventure parks and watersports parks, at camping sites and a range of festivals across the UK.
If you are unsure of where to start, or struggling to find jobs that suit you, the FDM advises applying to the specialist careers scheme. Let us look in detail at the benefits of resuming a career in your 50s, what you should think about when looking for a new career, and some of the best jobs for women in their 50s. We have also looked at five of the highest paying jobs, as well as explained what degrees will help you break into this field. Capturing those opportunities will require women to make difficult career changes, and women may find adapting harder than men, as they are less mobile than men and fall behind in skills – particularly technical skills.